Video Streaming Portal v2.4 - TV Shows, Movies, Sports, Videos Streaming, Live TV

Video Streaming Portal v2.4 - TV Shows, Movies, Sports, Videos Streaming, Live TV

OTT platforms are a growing industry and day by day on-demand movie streaming platforms are getting popular. Video Streaming Portal that enables a great opportunity to create your video streaming website. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your video streaming Website. Video Streaming Portal is to develop your entertainment networks such as movies, shows, sports and live tv.


How to Install a Video Streaming Script for TV Shows, Movies, Sports, and Live TV

Step 2: Download and Extract the Script

  1. After selecting the link, copy it, open a new tab in your browser, paste the link, and hit enter.
  2. Click on the download button.
    • If you’ve already downloaded the script, skip this step.
  3. Locate the downloaded file on your computer, extract it, and open the extracted folder.
  4. Compress the extracted files into a ZIP format to prepare for upload.

Step 3: Uploading to cPanel

  1. Log in to your cPanel and go to the File Manager.
  2. Navigate to the folder for your subdomain (used here for testing purposes).
  3. Upload the ZIP file containing the script.
  4. Once uploaded, extract the ZIP file within the subdomain folder. You’ll now see the script files in your directory.

Step 4: Setting Up the Database

  1. In cPanel, scroll down to the Databases section and click on MySQL Database.
  2. Create a new database:
    • Enter a name for the database and click Create Database.
  3. Create a database user:
    • Enter a username and password, then click Create User.
  4. Link the database user to the database:
    • Select the newly created database and user, then assign All Privileges.
    • Save changes and go back to the cPanel dashboard.

Step 5: Configuring the Script

  1. Visit your subdomain in the browser where the script files are uploaded.
  2. Follow the on-screen setup wizard:
    • Enter the database host (localhost), username, password, and database name.
    • Click on Verify to confirm the details.
  3. Import the database structure:
    • Go back to the Database section in cPanel, click on phpMyAdmin, and select the database.
    • Import the provided SQL file included with the script.

Step 6: Logging into the Admin Panel

  1. Access the admin login page via your subdomain.
  2. Use the provided default credentials:
    • Email:
    • Password: admin
  3. Log in to the admin dashboard to start configuring the script.

Dashboard Overview

  • The dashboard provides access to menus, settings, language options, and other customization features.
  • From here, you can manage TV shows, movies, live TV, and other content for your streaming portal.


You’ve successfully installed the video streaming script! If you found this guide helpful, please like, share, and subscribe to support us. Use the link in the description to purchase the official script and buy me a coffee if you enjoyed this tutorial.

Thank you for watching! 🎥


Download and Extract the Script


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